Nikola Tesla - “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Albert Einstein - “Everything is energy. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.''
Everything is Energy and the science of quantum physics is now offering conclusive evidence of this most basic universal fact. Energy can never be created and can never be destroyed only ever transmuting and transforming. Energy is consciousness.
Vibrations refer to the oscillating and vibrating movement of atoms and particles caused by energy. Even solid objects like tables are actually made up of microscopic vibrating atoms that receive, store, and emit energy. Because of this, all humans and objects have an energy field that has its own vibrational frequency. Vibration is the ‘physical manefestion’.
Frequency, which is measured in hertz (Hz) units, is the rate at which vibrations and oscillations occur. Frequencies are used to determine and differentiate vibrational patterns. So, an atom that is vibrating at a faster rate would be considered a higher frequency than one that is vibrating at a much slower rate. Differentiating between high and low frequencies is important for understanding how the two interact with each other and can be beneficial or detrimental to your health.
Frequencies based on Emotions
Rasie your personal vibration to create the reality you want!
Medatation, Workshops.
Meditation is the ultimate tool while developing your spirituality, it teaches an individual that they are the beautiful silences thats found within pure awareness. The ultimate peace one can experience.
The gateway in to Thy Kingdom.
understanding this concept is the secret to spirituality, to deep healings, connecting with angels and accessing higher levels of Consciousness and awareness, becoming more of what you are.
When one awakes they become immersed in to a whole new world of energetic, depths of emotions, dimensions and also the Ego inside our head’s with feelings and an intelligences of its own, while also noticing the Souls Consciousness and unconditional love. Becoming aware of each the Egos Consciousness and the feelings of the Souls Consciousness is how you heal, transcend duality and reclaim your HOLY christ Consciousness.
workshops, zoom meetings, events and guided meditations will be online soon!
Ego and Soul Healings.
Mental, emotional and physical pain all stem from the same thing, SOUL DISCONNECTION AND FRAGMENTATION.
Healing the inner child, past lives and choosing love with your awareness is how you transcend dark energies and negative experiences, releasing karma, reclaiming of your souls Consciousness and raise your personal vibration to a better reality.
Getting to know the conscious personality of who you think you are is the first steps in understand the internal layers of our subconscious and Consciousness. The instinctual mind is the second layer of our subconscious involving our motivations and personal judgements following up with our unconscious mind with hidden reasons, scars and traumas that we ourselves are unaware of til we come face to face with a similar experiences being unable to process what is going on in a calm and reasonable manner unaware of our energetic bodies disruption and our internal disconnection to the soul.
Chakra’s and Empathic abilities.
The Chakras major functions are, to transmit energy between the Auric layers. Each Auric body has its own set of seven major (particle, male energy) Chakras, and eight (anti-particle, female energy) Chakras each located in the same place on the physical body. Each progressive layer exists in increasingly higher frequency. Energy is transmitted from one layer to the next through pathways in the tips of the Chakras. Most of these pathways are sealed in people from blockages and past traumas.
They open through the intention to align through spiritual purification work. Since the Chakras serve to vitalize the body, when they are dormant or blocked, they are directly related to the biological, health of the body.
Empathic awareness and abilities are the first steps in developing each internal layer of the chakras system. Becoming aware of different frequencies and energetic patterns through out the universal tree of life, starting with masculine and feminine energies from the Botton of the chakra system inside the root chakra and working your way up to clear all blockages.
Everyone’s Souls Mission is to Ascend
Reclaiming your divine Christ Consciousness
The base 12 mechanics represent the Natural Order of the Universal Time Matrix, as an organic creation and inner sustaining architecture that connects directly with the God Source field for an unlimited supply of consciousness energy. This is an open source energy structure, inherently referred to as the Christos Blueprint, in our Ascension model we recognize and work with 15 light waves of frequencies that correlate directly with the Universal Rays and our individual chakra systems.
The first nine layers of the spectrum of frequency or fully activated Kundalini includes levels of particle currents that make up the material worlds. Above nine dimensions are the anti-particle dimensions which are the blueprint forms of liquid plasma light or hydroplasmic currents. (13D-14D-15D). The amount of energy stored in the Kundalini is the capacity of the genetic coding to hold ever lasting energy. The Soul’s energy that cannot integrate into the DNA will be stored in the Kundalini center at the base of the spine til the conscious is ready to evolve and work with the higher levels of light energy and frequencies.
The Universal Time Matrix is comprised of five density levels that each hold three dimensional holographic fields within them, or three groups of spectrums of frequencies that manifest as platforms of consciousness perception and expression as “realities” . Each of these density levels are organized into a trinity of dimensional reality fields, and each of these reality fields are also called harmonic universes. In each harmonic universes, there are consciousness levels that have characteristics in the blueprint that result in matter forms (bodies) and consciousness perception that is unique to each harmonic universe or density. Each expression of the God source in its collective consciousness or life form, has many stations of identities that exist in each of the dimensional realities or harmonic universes simultaneously.
The 12 Tree Grid is the first level of structural organization in the unmanifested layers that functions as the architecture that sends consciousness energy into dimensionalization, it is the core holographic template in which the morphogenetic fields are structured. A Morphogenetic Field is a form-holding Blueprint that stores information for how that "form" of consciousness will manifest. Morphogenetic Fields are comprised by templates of conscious light and sound waves which serve as the blueprint on which matter and conscious identities will then manifest. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation.
All matter forms and forms of consciousness, including planetary bodies and human bodies, are manifested through these morphogenetic (form-holding) imprints. The architecture of that manifestation template is the 12 Tree Grid. These exist as a quantity of crystalline (a crystal body), energetic substance that is composed of specific patterns of frequency. The universe is one massive field of consciousness embracing and containing all other forms where all experiences of reality and manifestation takes place. Layers upon layers of morphogenetic fields exist at every level form has manifested at each dimensional plane in the Universal Time Matrix.
The 12 Tree Grid is the Blueprint that sets the ratios of Energetic balance within the Core Manifestation Body, and that is set by the Conscious intelligences of our Inner Christos, also referred to as The Krist Codes. TheUniversal 12 Tree Grid is made in the gender principle of outer male Krist coding and inner female Krystallah coding that merges together to form interwoven patterns for creation. These patterns create dimensionalization through which consciousness can come into manifestation as an individualized form.
The Core Manifestation Template or Blueprint is what genetically expresses our DNA into matter, creates human bodies and projects holographic realities. The frequency is split from what is being created organically in consciousness and whether artificial intelligence is being used to project one type of reality. On the Ascension path, we will be asking the question, “Is the consciousness that created these blueprints we are “experiencing” as an organic living consciousness or is it an inorganic artificial intelligence software projecting out these holograms by using our subconscious and forgotten memories against us??
We are entering a whole new world in the way matter is being formed with Consciousness. With pure intention and pure heart or out of fear and “survival” .
We must learn to access our own Krystal heart become clear with our intentions and awareness through all things that we co-create and experience with Gods Source in order to reclaiming that which is our birth right and manifest from the highest dimensional qualities with personal responsibility, purpose, unconditional love and Energetic balance. The truest Twin Flame relationship is the divine human being knowing itself as God, co creating and forever dancing in the fires of creational energy.
Our Universal Matrix
The Universal Time Matrix is comprised of five density levels that each hold three dimensional holographic fields within them, or groups of three spectrum of frequency that manifest as platforms of consciousness perception and expression. Each of these density levels are organized into a trinity of dimensional reality fields, and each of these reality fields are also called Harmonic Universes. In each Harmonic Universe, there are consciousness levels that each have unique characteristics in the blueprint that result in matter forms and Consciousness for each universe or density. Each expression of the God source in its collective consciousness or life form, has many stations of identity that exist in each of the dimensional realities or Harmonic Universes for the purpose of Consciousness to individualize into dimensionalization, in order to experience the perception of time, space and matter.
The Universal Time Cosmology of Twelve Dimensions of Simultaneous Time-Space Cycles within a Fifteen Dimensional Wave frequency Spectrum. Each Harmonic Universe is equal to the Triad of Spiritual Identity that our Consciousness evolves through out as our Personality (1D-2D-3D), Soul (4D-5D-6D) Oversoul, Monad (7D-8D-9D), Avatar, Christos (10D-11D-12D) and Founder Consciousness (13D-14D-15D. Totaling 144,000 Soul expressions.
The Core Manifestation Body Foundation: The structure of the macrocosmic Universal Tree of Life is replicated within the microcosmic personal tree of Life.
Each Individuals human anatomy manifests upon and within the multidimensional layers instructed by the core manifestation template from the Universal 12 Tree of Life. Every aspect of the Universal Creation and life spirals are designed and instructed through these blueprints to build upon, Scared Geometry is instructed throughout these blueprints which contains multiple arrangements and layers of vibrational Frequencies.
This is the Universal Tree of Life. Learning to travel consciously through the vibrational and frequencies qualities of the Tree of Life, is to travel through the multiple dimensions of time and space and is the personal pathway to achieve Spiritual Sovereignty and energetic freedom. This is referred to as GSF or The Law of One.
God-Sovereign-Free or GSF
"I am God. I am Sovereign.
"I am Free."
The Core Manifestation Body is the structure of the macrocosmic Universal Tree of Life, the 12 Tree Grid. Each Individuals human bodily anatomy manifests upon and within the multidimensional layers of the Tree of Life which is the Lightbody architecture. Every aspect of the Universal Creation and life spirals are designed and instructed through these blueprint. Reclaiming each Souls identities and Consciousness in the name of Gods love and light with your awareness and love is how one heals each fractured aspect within the souls Consciousness and integrates its Consciousness and intelligences activating DNA resulting in Ascension..…
Our personal blueprint (morphogenetic field) is known as our light bodies, and it expands to exist at a personal level, planetary level, Galactic level, Universal Level and Multi-verse levels each are nested together and are interconnected though-out the dimensions and is what manifest within each of our own holographic reality as our life and body.
The Lightbody is the human energy field or aura body that projects our Consciousness through a holographic template that generates the physical manifestations we experience within this material reality. It is comprised of many interwoven layers of electromagnetic frequencies (light and sound waves) that make up the consciousness intelligence and identities that function in each dimensional layer that exists within the Universal Time Matrix. The light body is the holder of our consciousness and is the recorder for all identities throughout time, and it holds the living light codes of our blueprint structure and maintains our direct connection and communication with our higher self, the Godhead or Source.
When one has internal subconscious blockages within the subconscious, mind and emotional bodies it will manifest inside the Chakra System preventing the energetic channels from working properly and disconnects the internal connection to the light body, Souls Consciousness and connection to the God Head resulting in a “Dis-ease” physical, mental, emotional, sexual and even financial disruption within the holographic reality, slowly decaying.
The 12 tree grid and the light body are holographic blueprint matrices that are built upon sequences of sacred geometry.
Sacred Geometry is an ancient metaphysical science that explores the mathematical patterns that are inherent in creation and reveals the precise ways that the Universe organizes itself. Sacred Geometry reveals the underlying connection between all things in the form of math, numbers and geometry creation in Divine Infinite order.
Within Ascension we come to understand both masculine and feminine energies, the synthesizing of these two energies in to one as a Divine Union is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. To biologically evolve with Spirituality the energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies within THYSELF must be unified. The apex of that perfect unification is Hieros Gamos, the next level of ascension and building of the light body. Going from a Bi-wave structure to a Trinity- wave structure activating the inherent Christos light over riding all false inorganic timelines.
One goes beyond karmic entanglements, shadow manipulation, negative relationships, negative self talk and expands Thyself to a holy new understanding, abilities and a holy new type of experiences of living in peace, balance and unconditional love. This is a direct result of one’s spiritual ascension progress, one's direct relationship with God and Christ. Reunification within the Soul’s Consciousness is Ascension.
The Mother and Father’s, Sun, Avatar.
A Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma Eternal Light. The Double Diamond Sun Body is the Krystal Star matrix from the Seven Higher Heavens, the next Universe over. The Mother and Father have returned their Diamond Sun Oraphim (Founder race) to this Universe, with the return of the liquid Christos light upon this earth healing will be a natural by product of Spiritual Enlightenment as humanities Consciousness evolves.
MorganBrittney, Knowing Thyself through Consciousness
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